Superior Performance Sleeve

ALPS Superior Performance Sleeve is a prosthetic gel sleeve constructed with a new High Performance black fabric and features ALPS Gel. The SFP has limited vertical stretch, and the horizontal elasticity of the fabric still allows the user excellent freedom of knee flexion. The Gel sticks to the patients skin without causing shear force and helps preventing the sleeve from rolling down the amputee's limb.

Features and applications

  • Available with High Density Gel (HD) or Grip Gel 
  • Available in 3mm and 6mm uniform thickness 
  • High Performance Fabric for less vertical stretch 
  • Provides a secure suspension     


SFP-xx-3 Superior Performance Sleeve, 3mm uniform, Grip Gel 

SFP-xx-6 Superior Performance Sleeve, 6mm uniform, Grip Gel 

SFPHD-xx-3 Superior Performance Sleeve, 3mm uniform, HD Gel 

SFPHD-xx-6 Superior Performance Sleeve, 6mm uniform, HD Gel

XX indicates size, see the sizing chart

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